The glorious occasion of India’s 73rd Independence Day was celebrated at Vindhya in style with true spirit of patriotism on 16th of August. Vindhya's HR team has made all the plans well ahead and ensured employees had the best experience! The tri-color theme was reflected in employee’s wardrobe while the entire office sparkled with tri-colored balloons marking the celebration of India’s glorious day.
The second half of the day was well spent with active involvement from employees in decorating the office premises and helping each other to put up a nice show for the tri-color theme in the hall.

Employees eagerly gathered in the hall for the celebrations to begin. Event began with welcoming audience, our MS, Ms. Pavithra YS and HR- Director, Mr. Nanaiah. A spell-bounding Bharathnaytam performance on a patriotic song saw the loudest cheer and it was followed with employees speaking and singing about the importance of freedom and its value. Every speech and the song showcased not only their talent but also the patriotism and how much they value independence. Many of us were moved and had goosebump moments hearing them.

Speech and Song were followed by a quiz competition on the history of India and post-Independence era. It was very tough for the host to pick one and give a chance to answer since almost everybody knew all the answers and were ready to shout, given a chance. It was heartening to note that come what may, change what may, love for nation remains unchanged and we, irrespective of age, will always be aware of the struggles faced by our soldiers and freedom fighters that laid their lives for us and value it. Those who gave the right answers were gifted on the spot. Celebrations ended with our National Anthem. But, guess what? Here comes a twist. We sang not in words but in signs! Yes, you read it right. National Anthem was sung through sign language by our Hearing and Speech Impaired employees, making it special and inclusive, in true sense!
Click here for the live video of Sign Language National Anthem!!
Celebrating Independence Day is not just a simple occasion atVindhya, but a special day for rejoicing in the true spirit of independence andfreedom. As most of you know, one of the visions behind founding Vindhya is tomake Persons With Disabilities, financially independent. The goal ofindependence insists that people have access to the same opportunities inphysical, social, economic and cultural environment as their peers withoutdisability. And they must be supported and given assistance to have meaningfuloptions to make meaningful choices and decisions about their life. Let's givethem what they rightfully deserve, independence and freedom in its trueessence, in their lives. Let's do our bit and make India Inclusive!!!